viernes, 30 de junio de 2023

Naruto: a Tv Programme you watched as a child

Today I'll tell you about a show I used to watch when I was a kid. The show was called Naruto. 

Naruto was an anime series, which was about an orphan boy who wanted to become a ninja, so that the people in his village would recognize him. So much was his intention for people to recognize him, that his dream was to become Hokage, the leader of the village. Naruto had a power inside him that was evil, and the plot of the series revolves around that. Besides having many moments of comedy, the personalities of its characters were recognizable in our society.

The series was broadcasted on Saturdays at 10 a.m., on Chilevision channel, in a children's section that aired cartoons all morning, called invasion. It was the first anime that I liked for its plot, it was interesting the history of the ninjas and how was their life, how they were ascending in the scale of ninjas, like the chunnin exams, besides knowing how powerful were the experienced ninjas and above all the originality in the powers, using the water, the wind, the lightning, the fire and the earth. Another thing that I liked were the ingenious tactics that were given in the combats. Naruto had a sensei, Kakashi, and two partners, Sasuke, who was his rival since he was younger and became his best friend, and Sakura, who was the girl he liked but ended up being one of his best friends, this was how a team was formed to do missions, generally the chemistry of the team was what defined the success of the missions, teamwork.

viernes, 23 de junio de 2023

1. COURSES: Syllabus: Lower Intermediate

Unit 9: The big wedding
Activity 3: Is that rain? Different ways to talk about the future.

The activity is interesting to introduce how to speak in the future, although I feel that few examples are given, I would like to know more ways to express situations in the future, however it is clear to explain the different types of future, some closer than others.

2. GRAMMAR: Easy Grammar Reference 

Unit 9: The big wedding
Present continuous and 'going to' for future

In this section you will learn more about the grammar of speaking in the future, and a little more about the different tenses of the future. I think it is more useful than the video of the previous activity because they show more examples.

3. PRONUNCIATION: Introduction to The Sounds of English

Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: Assimilation of /t/ and /p/

In this activity it is useful to understand certain forms of pronunciation, especially for a fluent speaker, transforming word sounds. Specifically, how one word ends and another begins can influence your pronunciation.

4. VOCABULARY: 10 Easy English Words


This exercise is useful to learn new words in English and to learn their pronunciation, as well as to practice them in different contexts or sentences.

5. NEWS: Unit 1: Fake News: Fact and Fiction

Activity 1 What does 'fake' really mean?

This exercise explains the word Fake, its history, its meaning and its use, especially with the popularity it has gained in recent times. The term explains things that are not real, applying this concept to different situations.

6. MORE: Unit 1: Quizzes

Activity 1
'For' vs 'since'

The exercise practices the use of the words "for" and "since", applying them in 8 sentences. It is useful to understand its use more than to practice, since it is conjugated in different situations and contexts.

viernes, 16 de junio de 2023

Good friends :)

Today I'm going to tell you about my best friends, Diego and Eduardo. They are friends I know from my high school days, but we were not so much friends as acquaintances.

With Eduardo we have known each other for many years, we were classmates since we were 5 years old, but we were not friends, but we had a best friend in common called Matias, in high school Matias died in the accident of "los 16 de ohiggins", this made us get closer and that's when we became friends, we really started to know each other. With Diego we were classmates in high school but we were not friends, I had a different group of friends in high school. 

After we got out of high school, Eduardo started hanging out with Diego, and one day when I was dating Eduardo, he was with Diego and that's when I got to know him more seriously. During the pandemic season we became very close, because we started to get together every week, we would go out exploring around Rancagua, abandoned places, rivers, lakes, or nice places just to hang out and share, to get out of the confinement of the pandemic. 

We all like a similar type of music and we like soccer, we usually get together to play FIFA while listening to music, we go out to play pool and we keep on exploring constantly. Every summer vacation, we go to the beach together, we have made several trips together, last year we went camping in Chiloe.

The last time we met was last weekend to watch the Champions League 2023 final. A nice day :)

The skinny guy with glasses is Eduardo, and the dark-skinned guy is Diego.

viernes, 2 de junio de 2023

Bombshell at FC Barcelona

Barcelona, despite being champions of La Liga, could miss out on the Champions League next season. The reason is due to the Negreira case. A couple of months ago UEFA started an investigation against the club, opened an expert and studied the controversial case. The newspaper ABC assures that the two inspectors in charge concluded that the club should be sanctioned without Champions League.

Now we just have to wait until June 12 to know the final decision on the case.

A Family Meal

Hi FAU Bloggers:

Today I will tell you about a family meal I remember.

My family meal I remember was around 2010, I remember I was a teenager. For the national holidays in my country, Chile, my family would gather at my grandmother's brother's plot of land. Our family consisted of my grandmother with 8 children, and her 3 brothers who had 2 children each, imagine the amount of cousins and family in general.

I remember when the meat was being cooked, there was a half moon of men around the grill, drinking and talking, they were all my uncles and some of my cousins. We would sit at long tables full of plates of salads, while the meat cooks would pass by with pots and pans asking what kind of meat each one wanted. Since it was a national holiday, we would set up teams and do competitions called "yincanas", this was done for the whole weekend and then the winning team was given a cup, celebrating at dinner on the last day, while talking and laughing about the anecdotes of the "yincanas". It was memorable because my team won that year, thanks to a cousin and me, in the final event which was the victory by points.


Today I will write you about my experience blogging. I liked making a blog and that this was in conjunction with more people, I could know a...