viernes, 14 de abril de 2023

A photograph :)

Hi Bloggers,

Today I'm going to write about 1 photo that I like. It speaks of the moment rather than the place.

The first photo is a photo of me and friends during the national holidays of Chile. We're in the "fondas", in this place they sell food, alcohol, there are places with music and other games and gambling. That day a friend told us to play a game before staying at a local, so we went with him and in one of the games he won the most expensive bottle. It was a game of hoops, where you had to fit them into the bottle. It was one of those typical impossible games, it was quite difficult, it was an epic moment. That was a very nice day. This picture is from the moment after my friend won, after that we went to celebrate all over the "fondas". I like this photo because it reminds me of one of the luckiest moments I have ever had with my friends.

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