viernes, 7 de julio de 2023


Today I will write you about my experience blogging.

I liked making a blog and that this was in conjunction with more people, I could know a little of my classmates and my teacher, besides learning words or ways to use some.

The post I most enjoyed writing was the one about sharing a social network, where I wrote about a comedian website. As I was writing, memories came to my mind, funny things they did, their evolution in comedy and it was entertaining to realize their trajectory. The post I liked the least to write was the one about vacations when I was a kid, because it was repetitive and I had to remember that. I'm not saying that we had a bad time but I was bored when I spent a whole week at the beach. The blog I most enjoyed reading was Professor Simon's, about how he met his best friend. The fact that they are still friends from afar and that he shared his musical tastes was entertaining.

My English improved a lot, in how to write and produce sentences, plus I learned new words mostly, thanks to the exercises in classes of synonyms and placing words according to context. I really liked the blog's method for writing in English, because it is simple and not difficult at all. There is nothing I didn't like.

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Today I will write you about my experience blogging. I liked making a blog and that this was in conjunction with more people, I could know a...