viernes, 2 de junio de 2023

A Family Meal

Hi FAU Bloggers:

Today I will tell you about a family meal I remember.

My family meal I remember was around 2010, I remember I was a teenager. For the national holidays in my country, Chile, my family would gather at my grandmother's brother's plot of land. Our family consisted of my grandmother with 8 children, and her 3 brothers who had 2 children each, imagine the amount of cousins and family in general.

I remember when the meat was being cooked, there was a half moon of men around the grill, drinking and talking, they were all my uncles and some of my cousins. We would sit at long tables full of plates of salads, while the meat cooks would pass by with pots and pans asking what kind of meat each one wanted. Since it was a national holiday, we would set up teams and do competitions called "yincanas", this was done for the whole weekend and then the winning team was given a cup, celebrating at dinner on the last day, while talking and laughing about the anecdotes of the "yincanas". It was memorable because my team won that year, thanks to a cousin and me, in the final event which was the victory by points.

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Today I will write you about my experience blogging. I liked making a blog and that this was in conjunction with more people, I could know a...