viernes, 12 de mayo de 2023

Last weekend of Pool :)

Hi Bloggers,

Today I am going to write about what I did on my weekend.  On Friday night I went to play pool with two friends with whom I usually play, named Diego and Eduardo, besides the pool is located in a middle meeting point between the three of us. I usually walk because I find it more relaxing, it's a 40 minute walk from my house to the pool hall.

Once inside the enclosure we ask for a table and start playing, we usually play about 3 or 4 games, we add up the points of all the games we play and thus define the winner of the night. Generally each game lasts 20-30 minutes, sometimes a little longer, so we play for about 2 hours. What I enjoy most about playing pool is laughing with my friends when we miss shots that are very easy, we are very joking with each other. 

When we finished playing pool, we went to my house and had a few beers while talking and watching YouTube videos, until it got late and my friends left. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Cool. Are you a good player? I usually play American Pool as I don´t really know all the rules to the Chilean game. The first time I played in Chile (1996) I won a bottle of Ron Silver :)



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