viernes, 28 de abril de 2023

A Social Media Site :D

Hi Bloggers,

Today I'm going to write about a social media page that I visit frequently. The site that I'm going to tell you is about an youtube's channel in Spanish on the topic of comedy called "El sentido del humor" ( It is a conversation channel, where they do different performances and has different sections and programs, it is very funny, there is no lack of laughter. I discovered this channel while searching for comedian routines to listen to while working for my college assignments.

The channel is mainly composed of 3 comedians, relatively well known in the world of Stand Up comedy, but they are not the only ones, they have frequent guests and many comedian friends, in fact some of them are scriptwriters for the best national comedians, such as Edo Caroe, Stefan Kramer, Pedro Ruminot, Fabrizio Copano, among others.

I frequent it at least a couple of times a week, because I love stand up comedy. One of the main ones is Luis Slimming, who this year debuted on the stage of the "Huaso de Olmue" festival. The channel's program is based on talking about current affairs and seeing the humor of the things that happen every day, they talk about politics, science, mental health and above all ordinaries. They are a good companion for a variety of situations, whether for work, listening to them while traveling or just watching them. It's a very good program, I loved.

viernes, 21 de abril de 2023

Holiday as a Child :D

Hi Bloggers,

When I have near to 8 or 9 years old, my family's holidays was a trip to beach. My mother worked in Hospital Regional of Rancagua, and she has a agreement for travel to certain places. We would went to Iloca, a small town in coast near to Curico. I remember that in this place we where staying, there were a lot of cabins with different people places, all familys was of health service of the region. This cabins is located near to the beach, like a little less than 1 kilometer.

Every day we did different things, I remember that sometimes in the morning, we would go for a walk near the beach until we got to Duao, a small city with a port where us we take a breakfast and buy fresh fish to prepare for the lunch. In other days, in the evening we went to the craft fairs that had in the centre of the city and we buy different objects such as costume jewelry, clothes and souvenirs for family, in my case I like buy board games, such as cards, etc. I remember that I was play with the others familys child's, in the center of the cabins had a big empty yard, where we play and running for everywhere. I meet a lot of childs, was great for childrens. We usually stayed one of the first weeks of January and then returned to our home in Rancagua.

viernes, 14 de abril de 2023

A photograph :)

Hi Bloggers,

Today I'm going to write about 1 photo that I like. It speaks of the moment rather than the place.

The first photo is a photo of me and friends during the national holidays of Chile. We're in the "fondas", in this place they sell food, alcohol, there are places with music and other games and gambling. That day a friend told us to play a game before staying at a local, so we went with him and in one of the games he won the most expensive bottle. It was a game of hoops, where you had to fit them into the bottle. It was one of those typical impossible games, it was quite difficult, it was an epic moment. That was a very nice day. This picture is from the moment after my friend won, after that we went to celebrate all over the "fondas". I like this photo because it reminds me of one of the luckiest moments I have ever had with my friends.


Today I will write you about my experience blogging. I liked making a blog and that this was in conjunction with more people, I could know a...